📞 Want to get in touch with me? No problem! I'm always happy to hear from my friends and followers!
🤗Here's my contact information:
Discord: zesty_stryker_23213
😊 Don't be shy, feel free to reach out to me anytime! Whether you want to say hi, ask me a question, or just chat, I'll do my best to get back to you as soon as I can. I try to answer all my messages!
💬Looking forward to hearing from you! 🎉
Stryker sr
I guess gaming in your mothers basement can bring joy into your life? This and the fact that I have a better aim than Isla.

I’m a web developer hobbyist passionate about creating innovative applications and exploring new technologies, always learning and pushing the limits of web development.
I have been trying to imitate a male voice for 6 years to prevent my inbox from flooding with messages from boys. Also - I have a better aim than Christopher J.